New math strategy (traditional algorithm)... STACKING!

STACKING! (stacked equations with regrouping)

Many of us are familiar with the concept of stacking, otherwise known as the traditional algorithm for addition and subtraction. Students have had lots of opportunities to count, add and subtract numbers this year, create equations, explore numbers between other numbers, and numbers within place-value. With this knowledge in hand, students are just beginning to use 'stacking' to add and subtract! The initial focus is going to be on regrouping with purpose and understanding, through a deepening knowledge of place-value. We use Base-10 manipulatives to explore what happens when we have ten 1's, ten 10's, ten 100's etc.

In support of this strategy, here is a wonderful site where you can have your child explore representing numbers on a place-value mat with Base10 manipulatives.

Here are some screen shots to help you get started!
