October 26

Reminder: Picture orders went home. You can order online or send your orders into your child's teacher. 
Reminder: Halloween dance tickets came home. If you still want tickets you just need to bring the form and money to the door as no more tickets will be issued. 

Heritage park was fun! Today we got to see a blacksmith shop. Ask me what I remember about it?

Ideas from our students! 
"We got to see the big work horses at Heritage park. One is named Mac and one is named Todd. We saw the livery stable and we got to see the horseshoes and the nails that they used more than 100 years ago to shoe the horses."
 Ask me why they used horseshoes for the horses?

"We saw a one room school house."

"We went into a dirt house made of grass. It is called a Sod house. It is a house made of dirt, grass and stuff from the ground."

"Today we got to explore the Wainright Hotel ask me what it reminded me of from Frank, Alberta?"

"We got to explore main street and we saw a general store."

"Some of us got to dress up as First Nations, Northwest Mounted Police, Farmers, Ranchers, and different Settlers."
