Dictionaries and words, words, words!!

CAFE STRATEGY: Expand Vocabulary

Use Dictionaries!

We spent some of today using and discovering how dictionaries can help us to learn about new words. Here were some of our 'rules' for how to use them! Ask me to show you how!

Here is a great home reading article from the Kids News website!

Wonder Bird

Scientists recently discovered that a particular bird, the common swift, routinely flies in the air for TEN months without ever landing!!
That’s basically from your first day of school this year to your last.
That’s a world record according to the lead scientist on this study, Professor Anders Hedenström at the Department of Biology in Lund, Sweden.
These birds eat in the air, collect materials for their nests in the air … and even sleep in the air.
How do we know? For the study, some of these swifts were outfitted with little backpacks that tracked their movements.
But there’s still more to find out. How do they sleep in the air? Is it when they’re gliding? How do they have enough energy to fly for that long?
As soon as the technology becomes small enough to study these birds in greater detail, we’ll be able to find out even more about these amazing creatures.
Tip! Have your child highlight 2-3 words that they needed used a reading strategy to help decode a new word with. Discuss whether the strategy worked or if there may be a better one.
Now have your child identify one word they do now know the meaning of, and have them look it up in a dictionary. If they wish to share this with me, that would be wonderful!
