Pink Shirt Day

***Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day: Please make sure to wear pink to school or if you don't have any pink then Royal Oak Royal Blue will do!

We will be having an assembly at 9:30 am. Then we will be decorating mini paper pink shirts with Grade 8 helpers from PRAT. We will be talking about bullying and how we can stop it. An important message we took away from our visit from Constable Johnson was to not be a silent bystander. That if we stand by and watch bullying happen we are contributing to the problem instead of being part of the solution. 

Today in math we worked on using all the ages of Carlos and Carlos's family to figure out how old everyone was when Maria was born? we know Maria is 10 now. Her brother Carlos is 8. We looked at using subtraction and an open number line to figure out if Carlos's mom is 33 then how old was she when Maria was born? 

How we could look at this as a subtraction equation of 33-10= 

If we know Maria's mom is 33 now and we know that Maria is 10 now then if we take away how old Maria is we will be able to find out how old Maria's mom was when she was born or (0)! 

We looked at how we can break up the number we taking away. For example 33-8=If we break the 8 into a 5 and a 3 then which number would be the easiest to take away first? If we want to get to a landmark number quickly the group decided it would be best to take away the 3 first to get to 30

Then take away the 5 as it is easier to jump back by 5 from 30 then it is to jump back by 5 from 33. 

So 30-5=25. 

We also practiced skip counting back by 5's, 10's and 1's using a hundred chart and classroom number line to help. Moving back to get to the nearest 10 is a good strategy when we are subtracting.

We started Racket Play today in Gym. Ask me what centres I went to?
Today we finished our Animal Research and our Setting planning for our Arctic Story/Myth. We used our 5 senses to come up with descriptive words that we can use in our stories. Ask me how I would describe the Northern Lights?

We read a story called Kumak and the Fish by Michael Bania. Ask me what part was funny!

We also watched a video on Inuit Drumming. Here is a link if you want to watch again at home!
