Temperatures, Number Lines and Planets!

Evergreen Theatre Presentation today:
Jurassic Bark!
Please check out this website to read more about the true story the play was based on.

Students were excited to conduct a new wataer experiment with our student teacher Miss Rudder on water xylophones. Please ask me about the sounds we created and how and why sound travels through water!

We brainstormed about hot and cold objects and came up with different things we thought would cause the mercury in a thermometer to rise (hot) or go down (cold). We then came up with estimates for what we thought that the temperatures of those objects gmight be. Afterwards we googled them and found information about specific temperatures and average temperatures and recorded them in our visual sketch books.

 This led to the class getting very excited as we discovered some amazing temperatures in space and the student's wanted to know more! They were so excited about our Solar Systems planets and Sun that we have challenged them to start google slides at home on the planet they chose at school. Below is a list of who chose what planet or star. They will be adding to it at school but we have challenged them to use their google account to begin at home so that they can be experts and share their knowledge at school. Can they find an interesting picture of their planet? Can they find out some interesting facts about their planet? How far is it from the sun? What is the temperature of their planet? 
