CELEBRATION OF LEARNING AND Gr 2 Choir/ Mission Impossible

Thursday, April 20th from 6-7pm
Please come and join us for a wonderful evening of sharing and celebrating in our Arctic Inquiry!
We will have never-before-seen learning artifacts, art and special projects set up in the Learning Commons, Gathering Space and Gym! Please email Mrs. McDonald at snmcdonald@cbe.ab.ca and let her know if your family will be attending. Thank you!


Grade One and Two Spring Choir


Spring Choir
Permission Form
Royal Oak School is excited to offer students in Grades One and Two an opportunity to participate in our Spring Choir!  We will meet over the lunch hour on Mondays and Wednesdays from April 26th to May 24th.  Grade Two students will rehearse from 11:45 – 12:15 and Grade One students will rehearse from 12:15 – 12:45. 

During this time, we will prepare several songs to perform for the Royal Oak School Volunteer Tea on Friday, May 26th

To ensure our final performance is as strong as possible, students are required to attend all rehearsals. 

If your child would like to commit to the Spring Choir, please ask your home room teacher for a form on Monday, and be sure to return it to school by April 17th. 

I look forward to sharing this experience with your child(ren)!  If you have any questions, please contact me through the school.

Mrs. Mann
Music Specialist, Royal Oak School



Hello Students and Parents

We have just completed a very successful week in the gym where students participated in the combative games unit and had the opportunity to learn how to wrestle. If you happen to be in the school please check out the bulletin boards outside of the PE office for some great photos of our amazing Royal Oak Wrestlers.

This coming week we will be doing Mission Impossible. Our Secret Agents in Training will work hard to complete 4 training courses through out the week. (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) Students are asked to bring a flashlight and/or headlamp to their classes' final Mission Impossible Session, either Tuesday or Thursday. During this class the lights in the gym will be turned out and students will work hard to use their training to complete their final mission.. in the dark. Please ensure that your light is clearly labelled with your son or daughters name.

Thank you for your continued support!

Helen Hennick
Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School

Calgary Board of Education
t 403-777-6279 ext 7237

Royal Oak Spring Fundraiser
-forms coming home in Home Folders today, and are DUE by Friday, April 21st!
