Important: All Subject UPDATES!! new Math 'Stacking strategy' sheets

Hats Off for Mental Health May 3

On May 3, we will be recognizing “Hats off for Mental Health” at our school. 
We are asking students to wear a special hat on this day to help raise awareness of the importance of good mental health. More information is on the website:

**A MUSIC form is coming home with Lyrics for the upcoming May 2nd Music MondayAssembly. Please practice at home so I can MASTER my lyrics. 

We are reading Charlotte's Web and writing a letter to Mr. Zuckerman using Persuasive Writing with an "OREO" visual organizer!

Persuasive writing is a form of writing in which the writer uses words to convince the reader that the writer's opinion is correct in regard to an issue!

We have been exploring Magnets. We investigated whether we could make a car move using magnets and if so, why or why not? We explored the following concepts USING our knowledge of the Scientific Method including; (identifying a Problem, forming a Hypothesis or Prediction, conducting an Experiment,  making Observations and finding a Conclusion): 


We also reviewed which metals are magnetic:

We came up with a hypothesis about how to make our cars move forward and why some cars moved faster then others. Ask me what I had to do to make my car PUSH forward and what happened when I turned my magnet the other way. 

Big Ideas:
Magnets won't move until they enter the magnetic field. 

Social Studies
We continue to learn about the people, jobs, languages, customs, landmarks and land in Peggy's Cove and Meteghan, Nova Scotia. The following FUN songs help us to remember the Provinces and Capitals of CANADA :)

Stompin' Tom... the Capitals Song


Canada in My Pocket!

This Land is Your Land (Canada!)

Here are some excellent concept math sheets by JUMP Math(tm) we will be working on.
These really assist your child in moving through place-value and regrouping ideas. If you have any extra time to review these at home, it would be beneficial.
