Bugs, Grandma Eudora and Toilet Paper!!!

Hello Parents, 

Well, looks like we are into the home stretch and we have a lot of exciting projects and inquiries on the go! 

First some housekeeping, Sports Day is this Thursday in the afternoon so please send your child with weather-appropriate clothing including a hat, sun-protection, and a water bottle.

Students were challenged (in groups) to accurately build an insect they imagined out of recycled material that would have the 5 physical attributes of a bug. Here's a few samples of their work! 


We have begun Grandma Eudora's T-Shirt Factory Inquiry in Math. The purpose of this inquiry will be a summative review of double-digit addition and subtraction strategies students have developed over this school year. The main strategy will be 'stacking', otherwise known as the traditional algorithm where the focus is on regrouping large numbers and understanding place-value.

Paper Mache Insects

We will be attempting to create these amazing, large, 3D bumble bees out of paper mache! In order to facilitate this, we are asking students to each bring in 1 full roll of toilet paper and any extra newspaper you may have around the house. If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom this Friday or the next, that would be wonderful. Please let me know!
