IMPORTANT! year-long Literacy CAFE strategy #1 and our Inquiry Project

***Friendly reminder we are hoping to go the Wetlands tomorrow afternoon from 2:30-3:30 pm. Please dress warmly! We are still looking for a few more parent volunteers, please let me know if you are available asap :) ***

Literacy CAFE 

Comprehension: I can understand what I read
Accuracy: I can read the words
Fluency: I can read with expression
Expand Vocabulary: I can learn and use new words

Dear Parents, we will be using the literacy CAFE to guide and enrich our reading and writing this year. It pivots on 4 main components, (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Vocabulary). We will be using CAFE strategies to examine fictional books, but also to help with our non-fiction research in Science as well as Real World Math questions! 

We will only be working on 2-3 strategies in total each week. I will be posting a Parent Pipeline of strategies to help you use them at home with your child!

Today, we examined how to RETELL a story!

Students were prompted to wonder about this picture from the 'If' book: 
It states, "if all the water on Earth were represented by 100 glasses...
97 of the glasses would be filled with salt water from the oceans and some lakes. 3 of the glasses would represent fresh water available to us. 2 of those 3 glasses are unaccessible because they are frozen or far underground. There is only 1 GLASS OF WATER that all human beings and animals can use."

We are working towards understanding how precious water is, how it can take many forms and why we must protect our clean water through various initiatives.

is our simulation of the 100 glasses of water, ask your child about it!

We asked interested questions and put them on our "Wonder Wall" afterwards. Here are some examples, ask your child what their questions were!
