
Stacking, place-value, addition, regrouping, explosions

Regrouping and Stacking

Today we reviewed place value and broke numbers into ones (cabins), tens (houses) and hundreds (mansions). 

For example if I have 2 mansions, 4 houses and 3 cabins what number does that make?

Looking at the picture below- can I starting from the mansions (100, 200), adding on the houses (210, 220, 230, 240) and finally adding the cabins (241, 242, 243). 

Can I explain how I know and not just what the number is? 

We also practiced building two-digit numbers and then adding them together. 

We looked at what regrouping means and why we need to regroup if we have ten cabins or ten houses. 

 145+265 can also be written like using the stacking method where two numbers are stacked on top of one another to add them together. 
 If you have ten cabins (ones) they need to join together, make a ten stick and move on over to the house street! (tens).

If you have ten houses (tens) they cannot live on house street anymore and need to move to Mansion street! (hundreds). 

Now we have our final answer of 410. 

We will be practicing this strategy of stacking and regrouping before moving into the 'T-Shirt Factory' inquiry..
