Please bring supplies for making a Thermos! Field trip update

Open Minds field trip update!

Parents, please ensure that for the field trip (Feb 26-Mar 2), your child has the following items each day:
(an empty pencil kit/case or medium Ziploc bag (supplies to be given at school), water bottle, garbage-free lunch)

Hot and Cold Temperatures Unit in Science!

Let's make a thermos!! 
(We will build on Thursday, test on Friday)
Parents, please review the information below and send supplies for your child to build an insulated thermos at school by Wed.

What materials might you need to make a thermos?
1. Place smaller plastic cup inside the larger plastic cup and fill the gap between the two cups with desired insulation materials such as  (paper, cotton, foil, rice, beans, etc.) - you can also use boxes etc.
2. Fill the smaller cup with hot or cold liquid 
3. wrap the entire thing in aluminum foil 

4. Please send duct tape or packing tape if possible :)