Don't forget to mark your calendars for our super exciting 
Grade 2 Celebration of Learning 
When: Next Thursday, April 12th from 6-7pm! 
We will be celebrating our stories, writing, and art through our year-long inquiry of, "What Can We Change?"
Please email Mrs. McDonald at snmcdonald@cbe.ab.ca if you are coming and how many people from your family might be attending!

We are beginning our Magnets unit in Science!

Today, we were so excited to be at different stations where we explored magnets.

We asked ourselves questions such as:

1) What do you notice about the different sides of the magnets?
2) Can you move the small magnet across the table without touching it?
3) What do you notice about the compass when you move a magnet around it?
4) What materials are magnetic? What do you notice about the materials that are magnetic?
5)Which magnet is the strongest? How do you know?
6) Where have you seen magnets used before? What are some things that magnets can do?
