Let's Build a Boat! Dress up a a book character

Next week we celebrate Canadian Children’s Book Week here at ROS!
(May 7-11th)

Dress Up As Your Favourite Book Character Friday, May 11th!
(please see yesterday's blog for easy homemade costume suggestions!)

Today in Science 
We wrote reflections on our Boats and Buoyancy Science concepts: load, waterproofing, balance, density, displacement, and buoyancy. We wrote about ideas which we remembered and did experiments for, and used pictures, diagrams, and sentences to record our thoughts. 

Let's Build a Boat!
Next week we will begin designing and building boats to test in a series of water experiments.

Please help your child bring in a few waterproof materials to design and build their boats with by Wednesday morning.

 Some suggestions include:
pop bottles, plastic wrap, foam containers, egg cartons, balloons, string, tin foil, popsicle sticks, margarine/yogurt containers
