Welcome to Grade 3!

Welcome to Grade 3!
I hope everyone had a fantastic summer!

August 31, 2018                                                                                             

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,

I am so excited to introduce myself as your grade 3 teacher for the 2018/2019 school year at Royal Oak. I am looking forward to a rich, joyful and meaningful year of learning where we explore the big question of, “What is life and who am I in it?”

I have degrees in Business Finance and Cultural Anthropology, as well as a Master of Teaching degree from the University of Calgary. I have a husband and two children. My family and I love to travel and explore new places. This summer we spent a lot of time building a new deck and gardening!

I am the Learning Leader of Disciplinary Literacy, Mathematics here at Royal Oak School. I am passionate about work in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Did I mention that I love art?! :)

I believe in a strong connection between teachers and parents for student engagement and success. As such, I encourage open communication and will strive to respond as soon as possible. Please email me at snmcdonald@cbe.ab.ca or call the school (403)777-6279. I encourage you to view my blog twice a week, (probably on Tuesday's and Friday's) at http://snmcdonald.blogspot.com/.

I am looking forward to personally meeting with you soon. As I will be away during scheduled student-centered conferences, I will be reaching out to you shortly with alternative dates and times.

Shiroji McDonald

Shiroji McDonald
Learning Leader of Disciplinary Literacy, Mathematics
Royal Oak School
Calgary Board of Education | www.cbe.ab.ca
t | 403-777-6279
f | 403-777-6284