FIELDTRIP FORMS,No Excuse Words, 2-step Math Problems for home


Please return Glenbow Museum forms back to me as soon as you can! Please pay online, you get immediate confirmation and the office also prints you a receipt which will be sent home. If you wish to volunteer, I have 1 or 2 more spots available, however, you must have CBE volunteer clearance.

Grade 3 choir forms were sent home to those students who expressed an interest in joining. Please review the expectations with your child as outlined by Mrs. Mann in the form.

Dear Parents,
We want to remind students and parents that the Lost and Found is located the vestibule and can be accessed anytime during the school day.
Lost and Found items will be put out on display in the gathering space during school conferences on November 22 at 1:00 p.m. and will remain on display until 12:00 p.m. on November 23.  All items that are clearly labeled, will be returned to students prior to being put on display.  We encourage all families to have a look at these items during this time.  All lost and found items not picked up by 12:00 noon on November 23 will be donated to charity.

Royal Oak School

Nov 19-23 'no excuse' words:
Every Tuesday, students are given (now) 5-10 new words that are always from and strongly related to our curricular studies. The expectation is that students will 'say, spell and use' these words through their reading, speaking, and writing. Please review these words with your child, discuss their meaning, spelling, and use. Students will have access to these words around the classroom and on their desks.








Fact Family

As requested by a few parents, I will be occasionally posting extra work for home. It is completely optional but I will ensure it is relevant to the curriculum in the Alberta Gr3 Program of Studies.
Please complete the addition/subtraction Word Problem below at home if you wish :) If you click on the image, you can save the image and print.
In Grade 3 students are only required to know up to their 5* table. It is beneficial to memorize the skip-counting patterns!

In Grade 3 students should be able to skip count by 3's and 4s
(as well as 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s)!
You could print these out and have a quick "card game" where your child places them in the correct order.

In Grade 3 students are required to have number sense from 1-1000. Observe the patterns that repeat in our number system! What do you notice?

Do you know how to write your numbers as words?
