Parent Conferences,MULTIPLICATION! Remembrance Day, NoExcuseWords Nov5-9

Conferences are opening to parents/guardians on 
Monday, November 12th at 6pm

This upcoming Monday, Nov 12th is NOT a holiday, school is ON! :))

October 29-Nov 2 'no excuse' words:
Every Tuesday, students are given (now) 10 new words that are always from and strongly related to our curricular studies. The expectation is that students will 'say, spell and use' these words through their reading, speaking, and writing.

Please review these words with your child, discuss their meaning, spelling, and use. Students will have access to these words around the classroom and on their desks.

grocery store

MATHEMATICS: multiplication!
We are excited to begin a large, focused unit on the introduction of multiplication through our "The Grocery Store" math inquiry. Students will be making use of real-life contexts that invite them to explore grouping structures. We will begin by observing the shelves in a grocery store (see poster below). 

Learning Intentions: To make groups, and groups of groups. To find efficient ways to deal with repeated addition and determine totals. 

Big Ideas: Unitizing, Commutative properties of multiplication (4*5 = 5*4), place value patterns

Strategies: repeated addition, skip-counting, doubling, partial products, 5* and 10*, halving, open number-line

from the Learning Environment Committee

With Remembrance Day quickly approaching, Royal Oak School would like to support our Veterans by collecting non-perishable food items. These items will be collected all week (November 5-9) and will be picked up and delivered to the Calgary Food Bank (Veterans branch). There are specific items that are more needed than others and the Calgary Food Bank has outlined these as wishlist items that are greatly appreciated.

Royal Oak School will be having a Remembrance Day ceremony on November 9th at 10:30 a.m. Families are welcome to attend; please try to arrive a few minutes early to ensure you find a seat.

Grade 3 will be performing, but our class and Mr. Sandberg's will also have the special opportunity to perform a short song at the assembly. We are going to sing "Remember Me" which you can practice here: click Remember Me

Holding Remembrance Day ceremonies helps pass on the tradition of remembrance and is an important way to show our gratitude to the Veterans of Canada, those currently serving and their families, for the losses and sacrifices they have suffered. Due to the solemn nature of this ceremony, families are reminded to refrain from clapping after student presentations. Students who participate in Girl Guides (Sparks, Brownies) and Scouts (Beavers, Cubs) are welcome to wear their uniforms to the assembly.
With Remembrance Day quickly approaching, Royal Oak School would like to support our Veterans by collecting non-perishable food items. These items will be collected all week (November 5-9) and will be picked up and delivered to the Calgary Food Bank (Veterans branch). There are specific items that are more needed than others and the Calgary Food Bank has outlined these as wish list items that are greatly appreciated.
Ms. Bennett will be putting together a Remembrance Day slideshow and is inviting school families to send her photographs of family members who are veterans or current members of the Canadian Arm Forces. Please send in all photographs by the deadline of Wednesday November 7th. With the photographs please include the Canadian Arm Forces veteran or current member’s name, the war or peace keeping mission they participated in, if possible, where the photo was taken, and their relationship to you ( for example great grandfather, aunt, uncle etc.). Ms. Bennett’s email address is

MATHLETICS! will be here soon. The school has purchased a school-wide membership for students to practice fundamental math skills at home and at school!
