Full inquiry update: Math Word Fractions, Science Vocabulary words, India and non-fiction articles

We will be exploring basic fractions. Where do we see and use them? How can we place them on a number line? What are the parts of fraction?


matching picture to go with video

Here is an example of a Math Fraction word problem explained:


SCIENCE: Building and Testing
We have been experimenting with building materials and have started exploring fastening and Joints. 

No Excuse Vocabulary:
equilateral triangle

Here is an interactive virtual tipi building app that we used in the class.

click on link: Building a Tipi

We have also been exploring different ways of fastening objects together. Today we talked about welding. 

Here is a brief video about welding. 

link: What is Welding

This week in literacy we have started to read articles about India and Indian culture. Ask your students about the Lifeline Express, which is a train that brings doctors and medical facilities to rural areas in India.

Lifeline Express

Social Studies

During these past few weeks, we have been learning about the important aspects of India that make it into the country it is today. For example we have talked about the various cultures within India, types of transportation, economy, etc. During this time we have been relating a lot of what we are learning to quality of life within India, and how all of these aspects of India contribute to everyday life in various ways.
