Important Dates! Pink Shirt Day, Celebration of Learning, Pratt Open House, Conferences!

Hello Families, 

We have a few very important dates coming up!

Pink Shirt Day, next week, February 28th! Please wear pink.
For more information on this important day please go to:

First, we would like to invite you to our Grade Three Celebration of Learning on the evening of Thursday, March 7 from 6:00-7:00 pm. This is our student’s opportunity to showcase the work they have been doing as an Architect in India and Peru. As well, students have prepared a special performance with our Music Specialist, Ondrea Mann. We have art, design, blueprints, interactive stations and so much more to share and are looking forward to seeing you there!

Also, please save the date for May 29th for WD Pratt’s Open House. It will be in the evening - exact time TBA.

Please also keep an eye open for ROS Student-Directed Conference bookings coming up March 21 (Thur evening) and, March 22 (Friday morning). There will be two families in at a time, where 15 minutes will be alternated between one-on-one time with Ms. McDonald, and 15 minutes looking at your child's work.
