Housekeeping item:
The Green Team is working hard to promote reducing our Carbon Footprint by Reducing, Reusing and Recycling. We will be having our first “No-Waste Wednesday” (aka Litter-less lunch) on Wednesday, March 20th. We encourage kids to bring no prepackaged food to school and to be creative in using only reusable or recyclable containers to pack their snacks and lunch. After this Wednesday, these “No-Waste Wednesdays” will occur once per week for the remainder of the year. We will be weighing the impact of this initiative in Green Team Club by looking at the amount of landfill garbage we are able to reduce for the months of March, April, May and June.

Check out this quick video!

Just a quick friendly reminder that we are still collecting plastic milk jug, water bottle and juice bottle/carton lids to use for our Green Team Club recycled art project. Please continue to send in with your child, in order to ensure that we have enough combined to make a wonderful art piece for our school! We will continue to collect these plastic lids until the week after Spring Break April 5th,2019.

The Green Team Club

See you at conferences this Thursday and Friday! 

There is no school this Friday as there are morning conferences and then .... Spring Break!
